Any Enemy

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Pete StollerySocial D(ist)ancing
Aidan Teplitzky The Dregs
Lisa RobertsonArchipelago
Rufus Isobel Elliot Carded and Bleached
Rylan Gleave before, and since
John De Simone Ups and Downs World Première

North East Scotland's new music ensemble perform new works by Pete Stollery and John de Simone alongside works written in lockdown by Rylan Gleave, Lisa Robertson, Rufus Isabel Elliot and Aidan Teplitzky.

Programme Note 
How to enjoy this event

This event will be broadcast via the YouTube video above so all you need to do to is click play and enjoy the event either on this page or our YouTube channel


Following the performance there will be a live Q&A. Please continue watching the video above to listen to the Q&A.

If you would like to ask a question please post this in the YouTube chat facility (you will need a Google account to be able to do this).


All of our events are BSL signed.


All of our online events are free to watch. We ask you to please consider donating what you feel able to pay for the event. 

Your contribution will help to ensure we can continue to commission new works from composers and support musicians. 

You can make a donation here.