fORCHResonant Frequencies
fORCH is a new kind of contemporary music "orchestra" whose combination of "pure" improvised music and composed frameworks doesn't recognise a hierarchy between composer and performers. fORCH is an expansion of Richard Barrett and Paul Obermayer's electroacoustic duo FURT to include Phil Minton and Ute Wassermann (voices), John Butcher (saxophones), Paul Lovens (percussion), Wolfgang Mitterer (piano/electronics), Rhodri Davies (celtic and concert harps), Peter Evans (trumpet) and Aleksander Kolkowski (viola).
Please note: this event will take place at His Majestys Theatre Studio, not at the Lemon Tree as originally announced.
2009-11-08T19:00Sunday 8 November 2009, 7.00 pm
His Majesty's Theatre Studio, Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen
Tickets: £7, £5 students, under 18s and jobseekers

Also see: Resonant Frequencies overview
- artist pages: fORCH | Richard Barrett | Paul Obermayer | Phil Minton | Ute Wassermann | John Butcher | Paul Lovens | Wolfgang Mitterer | Rhodri Davies | Peter Evans | Aleksander Kolkowski
- all events at His Majesty's Theatre Studio
- sound events in 2009