http://www.sound-scotland.co.uk/site/2007/news.htm |
27 October - 28 November 2007
site map for 2007 | now |
If you would like to be kept informed about future events by email please contact us on
sound news item posted 16 November 2007 |
This year's sound festival events have been getting some great reviews! Please see our 'press' section to read more about what is going on.
Further details are given here
Damon and Namoi
sound news item posted 1 November 2007 |
Please note that the event with Damon and Naomi, Michio Kurihara, Adrian Crowley and Picastro is on the 22nd (not the 21st) of November - 8pm at the Lemon Tree, Aberdeen.
Further details are given here
Dunedin Consort
sound news item posted 9 October 2007 |
Embracing the Unknown
sound news item posted 9 October 2007 |
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the harpist Hugh Webb will no longer be able to take part in Embracing the Unknown on the 15th of November. The programme has thus been changed to a programme for trombone and string quartet and will include works by John Kenny, Carrado Saglietti, Etienne Rolin and Eddie McGuire.
Further details are given here
Newton Dee date change
sound news item posted 24 September 2007 |
press release: sound 2007
sound news item posted 10 September 2007 |
The press release for sound 2007 is now available in our press section. It can be viewed both as a normal web page and in a printer-friendly version.
call for pieces for inclusion in the composer showcase workshop
sound news item posted 6 September 2007 |
During this year’s sound festival there will be a Composers’ day which will feature workshops, talks, and one-to-one surgeries with leading composers.
Rohan de Saram (former cellist of the Arditti Quartet) will select up to three new pieces to workshop as part of this day. The session, which will be led by Rohan, will be open to members of the public, and will also include an element of discussion by visitors as part of the workshop process. The workshop will take place at the University of Aberdeen on 3rd November 2007 as part of the sound festival.
The deadline for this call is Friday 12th October 2007
Full details on the scope of pieces invited and the application are given here.
call for particpants in improvisation weekend
sound news item posted 6 September 2007 |
A fun but focused weekend of improvisation workshops with one of the great improvisers of our time, Fred Frith, will take place during the sound 2007 festival. We sill be working on large group improvisation, changing ways of listening and interacting, interpretations of graphic scores and working on conducted improvising. No previous experience of improvisation necessary!
Please return your applications before 8th October 2007
You can find out more information about the improvisation weekend and download the application form in the following two documents:
leaflet page 1
leaflet page 2 (includes application form)
change of programme
sound news item posted 6 September 2007 |
The Hebrides Ensemble concert on the 4th of November will now include the world premiere of Gordon McPherson's Piano Trio. Full concert details can be found in our event listing.
2007 sound festival
sound news item posted 20 June 2007 |
The new programme for the 2007 festival is now released and will continue to be updated. Please see our events page and check back regularly for the latest information. |
sound news item posted 2 May 2007 |
sound and the Music Hall present
with Dame Evelyn Glennie, Fred Frith and Philip Smith

Tickets for this event are already on sale so don't hang about! Full details are given in our concert listing.
Saturday 27 October 2007, 7.30pm
The Music Hall, Aberdeen
Ticket prices: £30, £22, £17, £10 (concessions available)
To book: tel 01224 641122
sound news item posted 30 June 2007 |
sound is pleased to inform you of some associated concerts taking place outwith the usual festival dates.