SERG (Sound Emporium Research Group), a sonic arts research group at the University of Aberdeen, have recently launched a call for soundscape works for Encounters, a listening event as part of soundfestival in Aberdeen in October 2023.
'How do we encounter sound? Sound is an invisible presence, yet it can unexpectedly present itself within time and space. Or maybe we could consider how we encounter sound to be a serendipitous moment of daily life or a sonic signature of place or memory. Perhaps sound becomes all these things or none without the encounter. Similarly, how do we encounter the world that exists *through* sound? Are the horizons of human experience expanded through our sonic encounters with animals, nature, industry, machines, buildings, history, and modern life? Encounters seeks soundscape compositions that demonstrate the ways in which our encounters with sound shape our perception of the environments we live in.'
SERG are looking for fixed medium audio works up to 8 channels suitable for playback in stereo, quadraphonic, octophonic, Ambisonic, diffused or channel-based work. (Playback on a multi-channel set up of up to 8.2.4 speaker configuration). Works should be no more than ten minutes long.
Please send a link (preferably to a stereo/binaural file) along with a short description of the work to Lise Olsen at l.olsen.18@abdn.ac.uk
The deadline for submissions is 5pm UTC on 25th September 2023
Those submitting chosen works will subsequently be contacted to provide multichannel files.
Encounters will be located at the Kings Pavilion, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, on Sunday the 29th of Oct at 5:30pm, entry free.