Grampian Youth Orchestra Summer Course 2015

Sunday 21st June 2015, 7.30 pm
Aberdeen Music Hall

The GYO 2015 Summer Course will take place from Thursday 18th June – Sunday 21st June, 2015.

There will be a pre-course rehearsal day on Sunday 26th April 2015, which all players should attend. The Conductor will be Chris Swaffer and the soloist will be Lauren Steel.   The program for the 2015 course will be Festive Overture by Shostakovich, Cello Concerto in E minor by Elgar and Symphony No 9 New Worldby Dvorak.

Successful candidates must be available for all dates of the June course.

ELIGIBILITY – Players from anywhere in the North East of Scotland (born or studying in) between the ages of 12 and 22 (as of October 31st 2014 inclusive) are eligible. Players should be at ABRSM Grade 7/8 level but players working towards this level are encouraged to apply.

More information and an application form here


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