Endangered instruments series 2019: Oboe

In the third of a five-year focus on 'endangered' instruments we shine a spotlight on the oboe. 

We are thrilled to welcome acclaimed oboists Christopher Redgate and Nicholas Daniel to the festival as Artists in Residence performing as soloists with international ensembles and leading a number of specialist workshops and masterclasses. 

“Three years ago we started our commitment to showcase instruments which are being perceived as endangered. After two acclaimed showcases, one with the bassoon and one with the viola, we are now looking forward to some tremendous music making putting the oboe centre stage.” Fiona Robertson, Director of sound

Oboist Christopher Redgate will be performing on the revolutionary Howarth-Redgate oboe in several events. Find out more about this fascinating instrument in this video:

soundfestival events featuring the oboe are highlighted below:

Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm
Monday 10 February, 10.39pm