Sound and Music Summer School

A unique opportunity for young composers and creative musicians

5 – 11 August 2012

Application deadline: Friday 30 March

Our Summer School offers students a truly inspiring and life-changing experience and remains the only programme of its kind; up to 75 young composers will spend the residential learning about all aspects of creating music, working with professional composers and musicians and using the specialist facilities of the Purcell School. The supportive atmosphere generated through nearly a 2:1 ratio of students to staff and the opportunity to learn with a dedicated and enthusiastic group of peers provides a positive charge for participants.

The Summer School offers the opportunity to experience a wide variety of musical traditions from conventionally-notated music and jazz to music for film. The course aims to nurture a wide range of young composers aged 14 – 18 based in the UK who can demonstrate their talent for composition, are enthusiastic about creating their own, original music and keen to learn more. During the Summer School, young people will:

  • Work with leading composers and musicians;
  • Explore a number of different styles of composition and music making;
  • Create their own piece of music;
  • Receive a recording of their music afterwards;
  • Meet lots of other young composers/creative musicians.

All pupils can apply with confidence in the knowledge that we have a means-tested grant scheme for those needing help with the cost of the Summer School.

To find out more, download the application form and watch videos:



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