Sound and Music Summer School

The Sound and Music Summer School is the only UK residential course of its kind for young composers and an inspiring and intensive week full of collaboration, fun, learning and creativity.

Sunday 3 – Saturday 9 August 2014, Purcell School of Music

Deadline for applications: Friday 4 April at 12 noon

Summer School gives young composers the opportunity to work with composers and musicians from a wide variety of musical traditions, from classical and jazz to world and new media.

The Summer School gives you the chance to:

  • Meet and work with leading composers and musicians
  • Meet lots of other young composers
  • Create your own piece of music
  • Explore different styles and methods of composing and music-making
  • Have your music recorded and receive a CD afterwards
  • Bring your instrument to take part in creative sessions (it doesn’t matter how good a performer you are!)

Cost: The full cost is £395 for the week including all food, accommodation and activities.  Sound and Music are determined that everyone who is accepted on the course should be able to attend regardless of their family’s circumstances and have a means-tested grant scheme available.  Please contact Sound and Music if you have any questions about this – they really do want to help you come and have the most amazing week of music-making!

Apply for the Summer School 2014

Apply online: application form

– or –

Download the application form and equal opportunities form and send in to:

Judith Robinson
Sound and Music
3rd Floor, Somerset House
The Strand


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