New Music Performance Course

Are you interested in contemporary music and improvisation?

Join composer and improviser Brian Irvine and musicians from Red Note Ensemble in this exciting three day course which will widen your musical horizons and challenge your musical creativity!

No experience in either improvisation or contemporary music is required, but applicants aged 14 – 26 who are Grade 6+ in any instrument or voice can apply.

Young composers are also welcome.

Download your application form here.

Brian Irvine was born in Belfast. His huge body of work reflects an obsessive love of music creation in all its forms. It includes operas, orchestral works, large-scale community oratorios, film and dance scores as well as numerous ensemble, solo, chamber pieces. His music has been performed all over the world and commissioned by many international artists and organisations. He is currently working on (Nest 60’): a multi media installation for symphony orchestra, chorus, sonic processing, 5000  objects and film (commissioned by London 2012 Festival); an opera with writer Owen McCafferty (commissioned by Northern Ireland Opera) and a violin concerto for violinist Darragh Morgan (commissioned by the RTE National Symphony Orchestra).

“Some of the most exhilarating and imaginative music you’ll ever hope to hear… musical play in the highest sense: exuberant, spontaneous and irresistibly alive.” Washington Post

Red Note is Scotland’s contemporary music ensemble, dedicated to developing and performing contemporary music to the highest standards, and taking the music out to audiences around and beyond Scotland. Red Note performs the established classics of contemporary music, commissions new music and develops the work of new and emerging composers from around the world.  The performing ensemble is drawn from the deep talent pool of Scottish new music expertise, and the players are some of the very finest performers working in the UK today.

Ticket Price

£70.00 residential; £30 non-resdential (lunch included)

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