Ensemble Al-Kindi & the Whirling Dervishes of Damascus

Programme alteration

sound regrets to inform that musicians and dancers from Syrian group Ensemble Al-Kindi have unfortunately been unable to obtain visas to travel to the UK for their performance during sound festival on Friday 25 October.

Although this is disappointing news, we are pleased that Al-Kindi founder and kanun player Julien Weiss will still be performing at the Lemon Tree on Friday, and hope that you will be able to join us.

We apologise for any inconvenience, and should you wish to have your ticket refunded please contact Aberdeen Box Office, t: 01224 641122.

Original programme note

Classical Arab music is the core of Syrian group Ensemble Al-Kindi. Founded in 1983 by zither virtuoso Julien Weiss, the group’s repertoire provides a background for the Whirling Dervishes of Damascus, whose graceful, otherworldly dance is filled with symbolism in which music and song play a major role.

Ticket Price

£8 / £6 (conc) / £3 (students, u18)

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