Britt Pernille Froholm, hardanger fiddle & Sarah Jane Summers, fiddle

This concert brings together two world renowned folk players of the Hardanger fiddle and Scottish fiddle, augmented by electronics and video. Consisting entirely of new pieces, the concert presents folk music recast in ambient digital soundscapes.

Monty Adkins Spiral Paths
Rose Dodd mobius ii
Rose Dodd Waternish Ballad
Nicolas Bernier Phantom

This is part of a double-bill performance which is followed by Resonating Universes with Şirin Pancaroğlu, harp and Erdem Helvacioğlu, electronics.

Ticket Price

£12, £10 (conc), £5 (students, u18) for both performances / £8, £6, £3 for one performance

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