Time Out mini-residency for composers

New Music Scotland invites applications for Time Out – a residential peer-to-peer support opportunity for composers.

This is a 2-day professional development opportunity for composers.

Composers are often by the nature of their work somewhat isolated, with few opportunities for interaction with other composers or for continuing professional development. The aim of this course is to give composers the opportunity to work together, share their difficulties and benefit from each other’s strengths in a safe non-judgmental environment.

The residency will include:
– Facilitated getting to know each other time
– A question-answer session with Sally Beamish – giving participants the chance to ask questions about her own development as a composer
– One-to-one skills sharing sessions
– One-to-one work sharing with peer response
– Group discussion and problem solving

NMS is aware that some composers may have genuine concerns about sharing their ideas with others, for fear of them being misappropriated. While all participants should know in advance that some degree of sharing is key to gaining as much as possible from the workshops, it is also understood that there is some need for privacy and you will not be asked to discuss anything that you would prefer to keep private.

Friday 26th September, 6pm – Sunday 28th September 2014, 2pm

Cove Park, Helensburgh

The course will be open to a maximum of 6 composers, who will be chosen by application. Participants will be selected based upon their shared needs and stage of career: it is hoped that participants will be at a similar level to maximise their opportunities for sharing experiences and learning. The course is open to all composers who have some experience working as a professional composer, and who have been out of undergraduate/masters education for at least 5 years. You must also be resident in Scotland at the time of application.

All residential costs (accommodation and meals) will be covered by New Music Scotland. Participants are only required to pay an attendance fee of £30 and cover their own travel expenses to Cove Park.

How to Apply
Please send a current CV and cover letter explaining why you would like to take part and naming specific things that you would like to discuss and have help with over the course of the workshops.

Email these to Jo Buckley, NMS Network Coordinator [email protected] no later than 5pm on Friday 15th August. Applicants will be notified of the decision by Monday 1st September.

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