Following recent successful fundraising efforts including a phenomenally well supported crowd funding campaign via sponsume, we are delighted to announce that we will be taking “The Garden” on tour in August! The Garden will tour to Scottish Opera’s ‘Paterson’s Land’ during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Tête à Tête, The Opera Festival in London and MOVE OP! Opera Festival, NeuKöllner Oper in Berlin!
If you’ve not seen “The Garden” or would like to see it again please come along to one of the performances listed below!
- Tete-a-tete: The Opera Festival, London Thursday 8th August, 8.15pm
- Friday 9th August, 8.15pm
- Paterson's Land, Scottish Opera, Edinburgh Tuesday 13th August, 1pm and 8.15pm
- Wednesday 14th August, 1pm and 8.15pm
- MOVE OP! Opera Festival, NeuKöllner Oper, Berlin Saturday 17th August, 6pm
- Sunday 18th August, 5pm and 10pm
The Garden: Trailer from John Harris on Vimeo.
About “The Garden”
"'The Garden' is a gentle tale of love and hope, set in a high-rise flat where a couple - Mac and Jane - discover a strange plant growing through the floor of their kitchen. The more they pull up its roots, the more it grows back, its gentle insistence eventually reminding them of important but forgotten emotions, and ultimately providing a way of reconnecting and finding each other. “The Garden” is based on the original short play of the same name by the librettist Zinnie Harris, which was commissioned by the Traverse Theatre in 2009 and won a Scotsman Fringe First Award as part of “The World is Too Much With Us” season.
Although a through-scored opera, it is of a musical form that combines spoken-word, sung-spoken and fully-sung passages as seamlessly as possible. It casts two singing actors in the roles of Mac and Jane and the score is performed by the composer, John Harris, on a DX-7 synthesiser, with additional computer-triggered samples."
Composer: John Harris
Libretto, Director: Zinnie Harris
Cast: Pauline Knowles, Alan McHugh
Stage Manager: John Wilkie
Produced by: sound festival, Aberdeen
Follow the tour on twitter:
Follow @ZinnieH
Follow @teteateteopera
Follow @soundscotland
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