
Opera on a Bus - we need you!

sound has joined Arts & Business Angelshares and are looking for your support to help bring our mystery opera bus to life during our Opera Weekend at sound 2012.

For those not in the know, crowdfunding is a way of getting the general public to donate to help support specific projects – giving as much or as little as they like (with rewards appropriate to the donation made!).

We’ve got a target of £5,000 so need as many people as possible to go and donate (even small amounts...).

IMPORTANT  – YOU NEED TO BUY YOUR SHARES FIRST THEN GO AND DONATE THEM TO THE PROJECT. You will be redirected to buy shares by pressing on “Donate to this Project”, but once the payments cleared, you will need to go back and allocate your shares to our project.

So please, please help us out! It should only take you 5 minutes...To find out how you can help click here