
Call for works - Opera Unpicked

During this year’s sound festival there will be a morning of workshops on writing for opera and one-to-one sessions with professional composers including Pippa Murphy, Gareth Williams and John Harris. These workshops will be part of a full day of events on composing for opera.

John Harris, Pippa Murphy, Gareth Williams and Johnny McKnight will lead a masterclass on composing and writing for opera. This will also include a discussion on a chosen submitted piece. You will be advised if your piece has been selected by the 29th October. The session will be open to all.


  • Create a one person operatic piece for baritone using Dunnottar Castle as your setting/inspiration –

  • Your piece should be written for piano accompaniment and/or using recorded material.

  • Your piece should be around 5 minutes in duration.

  • The deadline for submitting a completed score will be Friday 19th October 2012.

  • You must be able to attend the workshop at Aberdeen University on 4th November 2012.

  • Your piece must not have been performed.

How to Apply

  • Please submit your score to Anne Watson c/o sound, Woodend Barn Arts Centre, Burn O’Bennie, Banchory, AB31 5QA, Scotland.

  • All submissions must be accompanied by a programme note and current biography.

  • Please mark the envelope containing your submission ‘Call for composers / sound’.

  • If you would like your score to be returned to you once selections have been made please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.


You can also download a pdf of this call for works for Opera Unpicked.

The deadline for this call is Friday 19th October 2012.

If you have any queries regarding this call then please do not hesitate to contact Anne Watson by email at or on 01330 826526.