Swimming Sounds was sound composition project in conjunction with sound, Upper Deeside Amateur Swimming Club (UDASC) and composers Kwangrae Kim and Jamie Lawson. The project was funded by Marr Area Partnership.
The project focused particularly on Aboyne Swimming Club and aimed to celebrate swimming through the sounds associated with swimming. The sound artists recorded the sounds of children/young people taking part in swimming training (including underwater sounds). Collection of sounds associated with the swimming club were used in the composition of electroacoustic music compositions. Culminating in a concert held at Aboyne Swimming Pool on March 24th, 2017.
As an extension of science week, this project aimed to be a learning tool for music students interested in music technology and electronic music composition. Jamie Lawson created a website for the project which acts as a legacy and learning resource by providing insight into the field recording and sound composition practices associated with the Sounding Swimming. People can listen to the recordings made in the swimming pool and find out more information on what tools and software were used in this project.