
  • Performance
Dominique PifarelyLitanie
Xu YiTwo RotationsWorld Première
Luciano Berio Naturale
Joëlle Khoury TidbitsWorld Première
Sylvain KassapMore and More
Garth Knox No Pitch, No Problem

AllWays, French duo Claire Merlet and Alain Huteau, take you on a musical and poetic journey in this concert which features Berio’s Naturale based on Sicilian folk songs, and includes new works from Chinese composer Xu Yi and Lebanese-American composer Joëlle Khoury.

Dominique PIFARELY - Litanie, with poetry by Denis Pourawa

Denis Pourawa’s Kanak dialect combines with Dominique Pifarély’s lyrical world.

XU YI - Two Rotations (creation)

The inspiration of this piece comes from Two-people Rotation (Er-ren-zhuan), a genre of local folk dance and song from northeast China. It usually consists of two people, a boy and a girl. They sing as well as dance. It is very popular due to its humorous dialogue and sketches, which have eclipsed the old dances and songs.

Na tèpe pööêsï (I speak poetry), poetry by Denis Pourawa

Luciano BERIO - Naturale (1986)

A centrepiece by Berio for Viola, Tom-Tom, Marimba and Sicilian melodies.

Joëlle KHOURY Tidbits (creation)

The piece is a series of short variations, about one minute each, on an elusive theme by the viola, in its own turn vaguely inspired by a Middle Eastern chant.

Sylvain KASSAP - More and More (2018)

Clarinettist and improviser Sylvain Kassap fleetingly invites us to India (evocating the traditional instrument Sarangi) over a free and obsessional music.

 (The coconut tree), text by Denis Pourawa

Garth KNOX - No pitch, no problem

A bite of humour and juggling where the Viola becomes percussion and the percussionist becomes improviser!