Songs of Coiled Light
Performances on Saturday 17th September
Times: 11-12am and 2-3pm (hospital staff and patients only, free)
5-6pm and 8-9pm (general public, contact TechFest for tickets)
Composer Colin Riley, Sound Technologist Carl Faia and international bass clarinettist Gareth Davis are creating a multi-sensory work exploring sound and vibrations. Colin has been exploring the experiences of those with profound and partial deafness and their engagement with sound, and the resulting music will be felt and seen as much as it is heard; a colourful spectacle of thought-provoking ideas: making us think about how we listen and engaging all listeners together. These performances will be a sharing of their work so far, (a piece of music, an art installation and an educational experience all in one) including a short explanation of the music, a performance, an interactive talk about sound itself and a chance to ask questions and feedback.
Total duration 60 minutes.