
Sailing, Whaling & Drilling

Sailing, Whaling, Drilling has been devised as a year-long pilot education project to investigate new ways of delivering music in primary schools.

Primary 6 pupils and their teachers from Peterhead Central and Dales Park Schools are working with composer, Kenneth Dempster and clarinettist, Joanna Nicolson, to create together a performance combining music, words and movement that will be performed in May 2012.

Sailing, Whaling, Drilling has been created following our discussions with primary school teachers involved in one-off workshops and Aberdeenshire Council in response to the increasing lack of music education in the classroom.  The pilot is being documented, with the aim of creating an online toolkit and resource to give primary school teachers throughout Scotland the ideas, resources, inspiration and confidence to lead similar music workshops independently.

Click here to find out more


Three Cities Project

The Three Cities Project will involve contribution, participation and experience from the three centres of Aberdeen, Bergen and St Petersburg. The Project will take place over a period of approximately one year, and involve different communities from each country. The main aim is for participants to learn about and engage with aural culture from each of the three cities through working with sound recordings.

The Project will also develop cultural links between the three areas via various agencies including academic institutions (Grieg Academy, Bergen; University of Aberdeen; Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory, St Petersburg) and festivals (Music Factory, Bergen; sound festival Aberdeen; Sound Ways, St Petersburg).

One thing in common with all three cities is that they all are coastal, so it is natural to assume that people’s life in these cities must have always been influenced by the sea – like a large magnet, people must have always felt its omnipresence.

For more information, click here