Mikhail Kazakevich

Born in Gorky (Russia), Mikhail Kazakevich made his western debut at the International Schubert Competition in Dortmund, Germany, in 1991. As a result of his success there, he was engaged to play with the Dortmund Philharmonic Orchestra and also gave numerous solo recitals in Germany and France, where he was awarded a Special Prize of SACEM (France) for the performance of 20th-century music. In 1992, he came to London, where he made his debut at the Wigmore Hall. Soon afterwards, Kazakevich was signed exclusively by the BMG/Conifer recording label, for which he has made numerous recordings.

He has played solo and with orchestras at prestigious venues and festivals in Austria, Germany, France, Russia, Switzerland, Denmark, South Korea and the Middle East. In the United Kingdom, he has given numerous recitals at London’s Wigmore Hall, St John’s Smith Square, the South Bank Centre, and has made many live broadcasts for BBC Radio 3. He regularly performs at the Brighton Festival and the Newbury Spring Festival. Other projects include a performance and recording of Bach’s 48 Preludes and Fugues (Well Tempered Klavier) at St George’s, Bristol. He played with the European Chamber Orchestra and made his return concert tours to Denmark and Russia, where he performed Mozart concertos No 20 and No 25 with the Philharmonic Orchestras.