Luis Conde

Luis Conde was born in Buenos Aires in 1965. He  has developed an ecclectic musical career as a contemporary woodwind player, improviser, performer, educator and experimental music organiser. In the mid 90’s he formed with Diego Chamy and Gabriel Paiuk  one of the first pure improvisation groups in Argentina .  In  2001 “Trío de Improvisación” went on tour to Europe  and  performed at Festival Densitees, ImproIBA and Roulette NY. Since then he’s commited to a wide range of projects that involve new approaches on woodwind extended techniques working with composers, dancers and multimedia artists.

Due to the fact that there is a young but increasingly growing improvised/experimental tradition in Argentina, he has exchanged many experiences with international artists such as Axel Dorner, Sabu Toyozumi, John Russell, Jacques Demierre, Theo Nabitch, Agustí Fernández, Frode Gjerstad and Wade Matthews.  This has led him to create networks between the local scene and musicians from  other South American countries (Chile and Brazil).

Currently he teaches young composers at UNTREF (Tres de Febrero National University). His lessons include ear training, musical theory and the practice of non idiomatic improvisation. Also he was awarded with a grant from FNA (National Arts Funding) to play and investigate on new compositional approaches, mixing improvisation and written music from both young and renowned Argentinian composers such as Marcelo Toledo, Carlos Mastropietro and Fernando Maglia.