Graham Hair

Graham Hair is Professor Emeritus of Glasgow University (Music Department), Research Fellow with the Science and Music Research Group of Glasgow University’s Engineering School and Visiting Professor with the Department of Contemporary Arts of Manchester Metropolitan University. Before coming to Glasgow, he was Head of Composition at the Sydney Conservatorium and he continues to compose for Australian artists and to visit Australia frequently.

He has directed Scottish Voices since 1991 and toured the US with them in 2009 and 2011. Parma Records released the ensemble’s CD “Music of Three Continents” in the US this summer. It includes Graham’s own “O Venezia” (with harp) and “Songs from the Turkish” (with microtonal instruments). He has written many other works for “Scottish Voices” with various accompaniments, including “Octet with Voices” and “Ecstasy and Enlightenment” (with the Edinburgh Quartet) and “The Rainbow Serpent” (with the Orchestra of Scottish Opera), as well as the orchestral work “Into the Shores of Light” (for the BBC SSO).