Donald Bousted

Donald Bousted is a composer, sound and installation artist, film maker and guitarist. His most recent work focuses on combining elements of all these interests. Typically, the work completed in the last 2-3 years has sought to integrate elements of film, performance and live art plus multi-sourced (up to eight-part) electro-acoustic elements transmitted from varied ‘qualities’ of source (from ‘high’ quality PA to ‘low’ quality exciter-speakers).

A number of works, including the installation with Gary O’Connor ‘broader than broadway’ and the mixed media ‘pieces in your dreams; touch’ and ‘the black hole’ utilise innovative, ‘home-made’ speakers made by attaching exciters to musical instruments, glass, floorboards and walls. This tranch of work has been sponsored by the pioneering British company NXT. The work ‘touch’ (2005) specifically uses these different sources to give an expanded sense of virtuosity by attaching exciters to live instruments. Our perception of virtuosity is challenged as we hear sounds sourced on those instruments reintegrated within live-performed sounds.