Travel information

Travel information is provided here with directions for reaching Aberdeen by road, by rail and by air. Elsewhere in this site, the venues section details the individual locations in use for the sound festival (along with maps for their locations) and the local information section provides suggestions for accommodation and things to do.

by rail

There is an overnight sleeper service from London to Aberdeen, hourly trains from Glasgow and Edinburgh or direct services from London, Birmingham, Plymouth, Newcastle, York.

by road

Aberdeen is accessible by road from Edinburgh or Glasgow in around two and a half hours. From Glasgow take the M8/M80-A80/M9-A9 north to Perth or from Edinburgh the A90-M90 north to Perth, and then the A90 trunk road to Aberdeen. Alternatively from Perth, take the more scenic A93 over Glenshee and via Braemar.

by air

Aberdeen Airport is situated 7 miles north west of the city. It is served by flights from throughout the UK, including daily flights to and from London, as well as international destinations such as Amsterdam, Dublin, Esbjerg, Paris and Stavanger.