Bibby Piano Duo
- Shostakovitch Festive Overture Op 96
- Schubert Andantino Varie Op 84, No.1
- Hilary Tann Water's Edge
- Brahms Four Hungarian Dances
- Liszt Les Préludes
- de Falla Two Dances from La Vida Breve
- Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue
exceptional sibling ensemble… a fine partnership with impeccable ensemble and tonal matching.
The Musical Times
Saturday 13 November 2010, 7.30 pm
Aboyne Community Theatre, Aboyne Academy, Bridgeview Road, Aboyne, AB34 5JN
Ticket Prices: £10, £8 members of Strathdee Music Club <book here>
- artist pages: Bibby Piano Duo
- all events at Aboyne Community Theatre
- sound events in 2010